The “Soul Mate” Lie

A poll in California said the younger generations have less sex than the ones from before. More have spent a whole year celibate. I think the poll’s results are true because they’re embarrassing, and so they’re proof that abstinence programs can work. Celibacy is workable, even among the “Kalifornikators”.

At the same time, to show how senseless leftists are, I wrote in a forum that there’s no room for doubt: they’d still take me for inhuman. At almost twenty-six years, I was still a virgin.

Another writer said I impressed him, but he felt my state’s a dangerous one. Losing your virginity before finding the right one, he said, is a ritual as inescapable as puberty. And the longer I wait, the worse the pain in my heart when I’m wrong when it happens.

I have lies, and even more when people believe in them. They stick in the soul like darts and they don’t stop rubbing me raw. That thing about being in danger is a lie. “The right one’s” an even darker lie. There isn’t a “Mrs. Right,” because married love begins with a vow, and because of it, it lasts until death. Of course, the vow doesn’t make either one of them ready for that huge commitment. But even so, God will honor it. And if those two take their promise seriously, both will become the right person for the other over the years, through God’s grace. But what our hearts want, that’s too vague and changeable, and we want too many things for there to be a pre-made “ideal mate.” It was exactly because of that romantic stupidity that today’s contraceptives were invented to begin with. (They even ruined things for the “Kalifornikators”!)

I have no doubt the other guy believes what he told me. I’m just as convinced he would’ve brought in his own experience, if he was asked. And, all the same, he believes in a lie. There’d no need to look for “Mrs. Right” if we’d just work at making ourselves the best we can be. And in that case, the vow’d be easy to live out, without us worrying over the situation.

Lie by lie, a wall rises around our castle of sin. Until, at last, all the light of truth is blocked out. Only then will we have reached the depths of Hell.

What say you?