Tales of Boren, by A.B. Corleone

This is where I’ll keep my works on Boren. My projects aren’t coming out in the order I’d prefer, let alone uniformly. I’ll have to let the pieces fall where they may as I plod through my vision. Enjoy!

Paths of Thought



There was once a malignant spirit —we call him Komat— who hated all which the Great Spirit had made, for, we believe, he could not be part of the inferior world where we live. Boren’s beauty and harmony would not be his, and although the world had these virtues in a lesser degree, nevertheless Komat desired to possess them for himself. Because of his envy, all was ruined in his eyes; the full moon’s light and the twinkling stars of the night saddened him, while the sun’s rising and setting angered him. Our parents’ love threw him into such a rage that he provoked their fall. Yet, in the eons that crawled by, the beauty of any living thing, even that of the humblest flower, became intolerable for him. All became hateful. Endowed with creativity in the beginning, whatever he invented through his gift would never rival what the Creator gave form to. Frustrated and jealous, Komat dedicated himself to perverting the creation in mockery of its Maker.

The Myth of Foxes and Wolves

An Age of Ruin

The Life of Jordan Cooper

Fox Tales, Part Two

Prologue: Feelings

Raccoon Tales

The First Encounter