Down with the Great Totalitarianism!

Down with surveillance capitalism, too.
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Recently, the enormous idiocy of the so-called “Great Reset” has been presenting itself ever more frequently. I’m serious when I call it foolish. Only a true idiot could believe that endless surveillance of everything he thinks, dreams, and does won’t be used against him. All the same, the World Economic Forum’s elites had the guts to admit they want that. It’s equally clear they want us to happily accept it. (If you don’t believe me, you can read the original here.) Either they take us for fools, or they’ve forgotten Lord Acton’s axion. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Say it with me: down with the great totalitarianism.

A third option

It occurs to me that both are probably true. Nobody who, seeking absolute power, whatever the reason, has enough self-awareness to admit he suffers delusions of “egolatria” —self-worship. This latter being, from where I’m standing, the root of the extremisms today’s left so readily supports. Biological sex, or our ethnicity, among others, are aspects of the ego, worshipped by certain individuals. These movements are ways of reaffirming the self as an idol. It’s the same with the elites who try to monitor all our behavior. To absolutize the state is always to assert the self, that of the leaders in particular and that of the ruling classes in general. Thus, the quest for absolute power shows that its seekers are already morally corrupt. And therefore, if they aren’t already intellectually corrupt, they will be in due time.

Only a god is able to wield such power without becoming a despot. On the other hand, given that transhumanism is in vogue among today’s technocrats, their blindness turns out even less surprising. Their ultimate goal is to become gods, incorruptible in body and mind. It’s easy to understand why this is an unachievable mission. A doctor who tries to cure himself has a fool for a patient. And it’s worse if this quack lacks a good understanding of health. Es fácil entender por qué es una misión inalcanzable. Un médico que trate de curarse tiene un necio por paciente. Y es peor si al matasanos le falta un buen entendimiento de la salud. That’s how badly they understand our own nature, having rejected our Creator out of pride and adopting an atrocious theory of human rationality.

Having done these things, they don’t have any of what they need to coherently understand the good in general, and ours in particular. They are already powerful, and maybe soon they’ll obtain godhood. That’s why they take it for granted that their solutions to our problems will work (for them). That’s why they don’t accept that we can solve these problems for ourselves, certainly not while exalting them all the while. They think we’re stupid because they already are.

Down with the new slavery

There’s a reason we say knowledge is power. And if our cancel “culture” should teach us anything, let it be this: the public persona has become the primary source of social capital. In capillary fashion, as Michel Foucault would say, politics —by means of “rights” and “offenses” discourses, and through unjust and illegal lawsuits— crept up until it covered everything.

We can no longer set aside our commitments to the polis to deal with more immediate matters, not even to cooperate with coworkers. Some party or other’s orthodoxy, especially the Left’s, is the axis for all life. This isn’t our cancel “culture’s” fruit; rather, the latter comes from wrapping everything in a false holism that centers everything in politics. Fascism is alive in the United States, and not as an “alt-right” or conservative phenomenon.

Lamentably, what we call cancel “culture” will not be the last cause of grief. Privacy’s scarcity will serve to augment it. And in a world where the plebeians are left without any belongings of their own, depending completely on the benevolence of the Lords of the World, an even more severe way of “cancelling” personae non gratae will emerge. If you offend someone from a “protected” group in their cowardly new world, you can lose access to your apartment, your clothes, anything. Obey us, or lose everything, is every slaveholder’s ultimatum.

Save freedom, save privacy

It would be absurd to say that privacy is the only condition for freedom. But as long as we’re sinners, it’s necessary in order to enjoy freedom in the first place. Any detail about some plan or desire, in malicious hands, is potentially a tool to restrict our options, and thus undermine our self determination.

Without privacy, it would be even easier to hold us hostage. Even today, when we can still say “that car is mine,” those who live in blue states have high stakes. Who’s to say such abuses of power will stop at protecting leftism’s causes célèbres? Take 50 points from his IQ score. It won’t stop at any point, as long as the powerful can use it to impose their will on us. Say what you like about socialism, or the benefits of turning all belongings into services. May freedom never, ever be sacrificed. Otherwise, the “gods” would demand our obedience, and they will have it.

What say you?